10 October, 2014

Poland, Paddington & Proposals

Somehow we all showed up wearing shades of blue, without even discussing it with each other. That's what I call unagi (if you don't get the reference, then shame on you!).

Saturday has always been my favourite day. It's easy, it's breezy, it brings out the spontaneous me. This saturday was no different than the rest, with no certain destination, we head out to lunch in Paddington. After finding out Pinbone only opens for brunch on sundays, we walked another block over to Wieczorkowski (yeah, it's a mouthful). 

Tucked away in the corners of Woollahra, we had doubts of finding the place, but were pleased when we were hit with the amazingly decorated glass house. 

We found ourselves amidst families and elderlies, and aside from the children, we were probably the youngest people there. While we were laughing like nothing else mattered, everyone else sipped their cuppa quietly and elegantly. When everyone peacefully enjoyed their food, we were all busy taking photos of our food from all different angles. You can sniff bloggers (or instagrammers) a mile away from what they do when they see food. 

Polished them polish food right off the plates. 

Lunch was followed by a nice sunny walk through Paddington, where every Saturday is market day. Usually being on the other side of the stalls, this feels nice to be the customer once in a while. It's a real temptation for us shopaholics. I might as well use the money I get from selling to buy from another stall. I'm so weak when it comes to shopping...

I bet you guys are all waiting to see the proposal part of this story. Which isn't my story to tell, but I've never been one to follow the rule book. We stumbled across a photography exhibition, which was hidden away in the midst of Paddington, we were unsure about going in ourselves. 

What we saw left me completely speechless. It looked like the ruins of a old greek city, with a water pond in the middle and the old brick walls. Can you see a princess walking down to the stream of water and sadly looking at her reflections, wishing for her one true love... Just me? Must be the hopeless romantic in me.

We circled the place a couple of time, just killing time and appreciating the photos, when I saw a table set up with rose petals scattered, and a bottle of chilled champagne, didn't really make sense to me until I saw the photo collage on the table, which had multiple snapshots of a guy holding the letters 

M A R R Y  M E ? 

We waited until the couple showed up. The guy kept insisting on going down and seeing the photos. Girl was not into it. She almost walked off. Guy successfully got her to go down the stairs. People were trying to play along, but were too excited, we couldn't peel our smiles off. They walked around to the table, he said what needed to be said. She said yes. 

Cue the awws. I certainly sang my awws. I couldn't stop awwing! 

I love a cute proposal as much as the next girl, and this one was perfect. It was public yet private, because there was only about 15 other strangers in the garden with them, but no one could hear what he asked of her (I'll give you three guesses). Hint hint, nudge nudge to other men planning to propose. (Or maybe, that's just my style). 

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