24 October, 2014

Champange & Mushroom Risotto

Is it just me, or does everyone else likes to pour wine in any dish that calls for wine? 

Being bed ridden and down with the cold for a whole week got me craving some comfort food. Admittedly, my go to comfort food is anything my ma cooks, but living away from parents has its downside - cooking for yourself. 

I'm not one to follow recipes by the measurement, I like it best when I wing it and season according to my own taste. The recipe roughly went down like so:

Ingredients - 
1 tablespoon oil 
2 tablespoon butter, room temperature
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, chopped 
Button mushroom, sliced
1 cup chicken stock 
4 cups of water 
1 cup of champagne, or white wine
1.5 cups of arborio rice (risotto rice)
salt and pepper

Melt the butter in oil and toss in your onion and garlic and mushroom, until soft - don't let the garlic burn (people think that this is a stupid tip, but it happens okay? They cook really fast...)

Once that's all done, you can throw it your rice, stir it around, making sure that the grains are coated in oil evenly. Add in the champagne, stirring occasionally, until it's absorbed by the rice. Do the same with the chicken stock and water, and one cup by one, tasting the rice occasionally to test out whether it's cooked or not.  

Season it with salt and pepper, according to your taste. If you want to make it saltier but not into salt like me, you can chuck in grated parmesan, it has the same effect and makes it cheesy from the inside!

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