15 September, 2014

One Pot Mac 'n' Cheese

Spontaneously decided to have a domestic goddess moment. 

I found this recipe on The Londoner, if you don't read her blog, you really ought to start right now. I read three years of her life within two days - proof of how addictive and fun her blog is.

She wrote of this one pot mac and cheese wonder, and I decided to recreate it myself, as I am always behind melted cheese and pasta. And my friend, this is one cheese heaven. Not a care in the world for calories was given that night.

To serve four, the ingredients are:

500g penne pasta (you can choose any dry pasta you like)
fist sized cheddar cheese
fist sized gruyere cheese
fistful of parmesan, grated
1 cup milk 
2 cup vegetable stock
3 slices of bacon, diced 
2 cloves of garlic, sliced
olive oil
cracked black pepper
You will need a pot with a lid for this recipe.Toss diced bacon in hot oil with the sliced garlic until it's golden and bacon is crispy enough. Move the bacon and garlic to a bowl (to minimise dish washing, use a bowl you'll be serving with). Pour the milk and vegetable stock on the pasta in the pot and cover with lid, cooking it over medium heat. Try to keep the pot closed as much as you can, opening it only to stir once in a while. While that's cooking, grate all the cheese. I personally hate washing the grater, so I just cut the cheese to small-mediumish blocks. After 15-20 mins or so, pasta should be ready and al dente, milk and stock should be dried up. Toss in the cheese, pepper, bacon, and garlic, stirring the cheese evenly into the pasta. 

Don't hold back and just sneak in a taste of all that melted cheese (somebody has to give it a test before letting others eat it and I volunteer as tribute!)

Put on your favourite movie, pour a glass full of chardonnay (or whichever wine rocks your boat), light some candles, turn them lights off and snuggle into a (big) bowl of this amazing comfort food. 

It's demanding to be eaten!