17 November, 2014


Obviously, sometimes we just feel like looking like a box of crayons.

It seems one of the benefits of having exams is the ability to procrastinate as the rest of the world works or studies. It's kind of a guilty feeling to be honest, but with the amount of content still needed to be uploaded there's never a better time than now by taking a short break from studying.

Last week before exam period officially started, me and a few of my friends from church decided to get together and work on a special project; dressing up as crayons, just to satisfy our dreams of being a packet of Crayola crayons. This is our very first time having the whole gang still in Australia before the Christmas holidays so we wanted to create a special theme that reflected our crazy spirit mixed with our goofy personalities. We played a handful of iconic games like Kings Cup and Beer Pong (although we swapped it with water), got everybody rushing to go to the toilet, which provided the perfect setting to welcome our new friends into our super-duper early Christmas traditions.

We spent hours making the costumes a few nights before that involved 15 different coloured paper, endless amounts of sticky tape, unmeasurable lengths of ropes, deformed paper cutting and eating on the hour every hour. My whole living room floor alone was dedicated entirely to the making of this ready-to-wear collection of crayons which included stunning haute couture head pieces as seen in the pictures above.

All jokes aside, I genuinely love being a crayon and I could not be happier to share this memory with my closest friends. Dressing up as a packet of crayons only existed in my wildest dreams, and so tonight in my sleep I'll be dreaming about when exactly the second wacky costume idea will make its way into reality. Only a matter of time...

P.S. I got a blank space baby, and I'll write your name with crayons ;)

Photos by Oktavius Oswin, Jennifer Cindy and Jessica Gunawan

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