26 September, 2014

Kissed Exams Goodbye!

After so many sleepless nights, countless coffee cups, group meetings, pulling extra weights for those lazy group members, gossiping about tutors, and those classes I've ditched for brunches, I have finally made it :').

Thanks once again to all those who came and made the day a memorable one!
To those friends who have supported me through the years, encouraging to attend classes (some even stayed back an hour so I wouldn't be on campus alone). 

To friends who occasionally made me go to brunch instead of class - I needed a break and a "balanced" life, so thank you for helping me feel less guilty for skipping. 

To my oikos, who prays for my studies and cheers me up - especially when I didn't think I need any cheering up to do.

To those group members who actually do equal amount of work and help out - you guys are rare and special! 

To Kirby, who drove me to classes. Specially for those mornings where you drove me to class in your PJs and bed hair (and morning breath) in the early mornings because I missed my train.

To Mum & Dad, for being oh so very patient. 

Last but most important, thank you to Jesus, for making all this possible. Without His mercy and grace, I wouldn't be where I am today. It happened beautifully in His time. 

And thanks to YOU, for reading this post! :D

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